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So why does God have this insatiable appetite for gratitude? The conundrum is that I was also taught the evils of pride, of how the Pharisees helped the poor only so others would notice. I was taught the value of the selfless person who pursued acts of kindness without regard to earthly rewards. The first question that kept coming around like a bad penny was, "If I am a good person by not seeking thanks, why does God, the definition of good, break this rule so often?" The second question, decidedly more primitive, was "Why does God give a snot?" He clearly doesn't need our validation to go about his business. Whether we thank him or not, he continues his grand plan. I saw him even growing annoyed with the constant groveling. For years, I swept such questions under the
rug that I call the mystery of faith. That rug is embroidered with, "At your
pay grade, you are not required to understand everything."
The artsy side of photography, the composition of a great shot, the painting with light, now that was different. The pieces do not fall into place. It is not a destination and cannot be mastered as much as experienced. The photographer launches himself on a lifelong process of seeing instead of merely looking. He becomes a hunter of beauty and wonder, poking under every rock and behind every cloud. I used to march head down on a trail, making good time toward the waterfall icon on my map. I would look up for a stunning mountain, even stop briefly for a deer interruption, but my mission was to cover the miles. Photography changed all that. I became the laggard, lost in the elegance of a pine cone, or leaning over my tripod observing a faraway eagle's nest. In a classic quality vs. quantity tradeoff, my mileage dropped, yet every mile overflowed with grandeur. Exasperated fellow hikers assumed I was just tinkering with camera dials, but I was actually immersing in the splendor of the world around me, discovering that wonder, epiphanies, enchantment, and miracles had been hiding all that time under my busy feet. Though people started admiring my pictures, which my ego was ever ready to welcome, I realized that the pictures were just my tourist trinkets from my voyages to a world where I could touch creation as never before. The realization was that my camera had always been a crutch to carry me where my feet alone could not; a passport to a faraway place that had always been inches away. "We don't go fishing to catch fish," a
friend of mine once told me. "The supermarket is the place for that. We go
fishing to have an excuse to sit in a boat, to have a ready rationalization for
spouses and friends who would otherwise not understand why we want to sit in
the middle of nature's silent majesty. A nibble on my hook is often just the
This compelled me to roll back the corner of my rug and dust off the questions about why God encouraged Christians to go around thanking him. It wasn't that he needed the attaboys. It wasn't about him at all. It was about us. It was the way to get us to slow down our short lives to uncover and appreciate the world around us. By stopping to thank God for the smile on a child's face, he makes sure we don't miss out on what is important. More pieces started falling into place. The Great Spirit had invented a mental trick to help us drink more fully from the cup he placed before us. And there could be only one reason for his desire for us to value our existence more fully; he loved us in some curious way yet another discovery to be thankful for. Pulling it all together, I realized that the early Christians promoted thanking God because photography had yet to be invented. |
Comments (2)Topic: Blog ![]() What a treat to both chat with you and to read this wonderfully written opening into the heart of a talented guy. 27th August 2018 9:57pm ![]() J S (Sun City, CA, US) says... This is very inspiring, the sense of discovery you describe is matched by the gradual development and mood of the music. Thanks for sharing! 11th October 2013 2:49pm Page 1 of 1
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Peter Shikli is CEO of Bizware Online Applications. You can view his bio and contact him at |
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